MDGs, 2015 target and Foolish LeadersMDGs, 2015 target and Foolish Leaders

They say where I come from that the one-eyed man is always king in the
land of the blind. Since nothing was said about the country being
ruled by 'fools' (by their own admission), I surmise that it should be
a land full of imbeciles. Forgive my bluntness! If you do follow my
logic, you will agree that fools do not rule over wise folks. So when
our former (are they really no longer in control of power) rulers, and
long serving ones at that, publicly call each other fools, who else
will know better but themselves and perhaps other 'fools' who have
ruled like them?

How can a country being ruled by fools and foolishness, by
association, ever attain any meaningful development? A nation where
illiteracy is so high that even state governors cannot define
development. A society where leaders cannot address their people
without paper written by deceitful script writers and sycophantic
harem of advisers.

When leaders embezzle public funds to sate personal greed, how do you
attain the extermination of poverty by whenever? Where leaders owe
teachers and use public funds to send their wards to choice
universities abroad, with what magic will education for all be
achieved? As leaders advice their people that vaccination is 'haram'
and others travel abroad with estacodes from public fund to treat
headache, how will health for all ever become a reality? Where law
makers and politicians have made prostitution a lucrative business,
with what wizardry will HIV and AIDS ever become extinct? As
politicians accumulate women like trophies and a serving 60-something
year old senator brazenly imports a 15 year old girl from Egypt as
wife, how can gender equality ever see the light of the day?

Do I need to go on about environmental degradation and the likes? A
president goes to Ibadan to assess flood damage and ends up seeing
pictures in slides. Why make the trip in the first place? Shouldn't
the slides have been taken to him? Talk of waste? People have junk as
garbage, we have putrid human remains: victims of myriad forms of
inhumanity and killings in the name of God. Only to go back to our
churches and mosques to preach against the things we do. Shame! Little
wonder we are being ruled by fools. Every nation gets the kind of
leaders it deserves.

For your information, by the way, I read in the papers that out of the
54 countries of Africa, only four will most likely meet most of the
targets by 2015. They are tiny island neighbour, Cape Verde. Small
Malawi and formerly impoverished Ethiopia. And then, don't be
suprised, Ghana! And to think that when I was younger, they used to
shine our shoes. You and I know one country that should be there but
is not. Of course, they will have improvised official statement.
Afterall, a former Finance minister said that Nigeria is not affected
by the 'global' meltdown. And to reward his foolery he was promoted to
Minister of National Planning. To do what? You do the math. Fools at

You now know why none of the targets will be achieved. And the next
time you want to see fools at work, turn to Network news on radio or
TV. They always talk of what they will do but never what they have done or details of how they will do what they say they will do. Fools are full of talk. Full of crap.


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