We're Fighting For God!

I can understand that an older child bullied mine and I go out there
and fight for him or her.

You can permit a man for defending the integrity of his spouse when an
outsider makes mockery of it.

We can bear the rattling tongue and the momentary madness of a woman
whose matrimonial bliss is being threatened by a comely slut.

Humans even applaud when a child is in the right about preserving the
legacies of his or her old parents.

Sometimes, our patriotic zeal can make us do the unimaginable to
defend our nation at all cost.

We can also defend and lay our lives down for what we believe in. It's
a big honour, in deed.

But I ask: when and where did our Creator, the One whom we believe
created the universe and all in it, become so weak that we have ve
fight for Him? And in doing so, we maim, kill innocent people and some
people even take their own lives. What kind of creator would endorse
one of his creatures destroying other creatures in his or her name?

Believe me, fighting for what you believe means allowing others to
stand for what they also believe. Religion, someone said recently, is
doing what you are told in spite of what is right, whereas morality is
doing what is right in spite of what you are told. Which of these does
God accept?

President Jonathan, by now, sir, you should have seen that it isn't
with the speed one takes office that success comes. Please, turn down
the volume of hunger and myriad deprivations if you have a clue, sir!
Talk to these people. They are also Nigerians! Fight for God also, by
doing what is morally right.


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