Someone once said that human beings do not come with manuals, that's
we often don't know how to handle each person we meet. I agree with
this! Have you really thought about the major instructions your own
manual will carry, if there was one. Some of you reading this will
carry this:




I started a story about this neighbour of mine. Well, I was wrong! He
wasn't waiting for anyone to come and move "jeep" for him. His
official response was that he did it to me because my generating set
disturbs him in his bedroom. So he slept in his car, playing loud
music from 11.00 pm to 4.00 am just to get back at my generator and
me! *I laugh in Arabic*

Am not going to defend myself because he isn't here to give his side
of the tale. But I am interested in what his wife said is the reason
for his stupidity that night. She said, "He did it to spite me!" She
also said he wants to kill their pre-term baby with noise! Hmmm!

I agree with this woman because I discovered very surprisingly that
the man now sleeps in his car anytime he is around. He doesn't come
around often. There's rumour that he sleeps in hotels. But I can
confirm that on Monday night, he was in his car till 6.00am. I saw him
at about 12 midnight and 2.00 am, sitting calmly inside his car;
without the company of music this time. And I am very sure it wasn't
the fault of my generator because, as if the China-born machine knew,
it packed up late in the evening even though we've not had light for
almost a week.

I just hope he wouldn't say that he sleeps/passes the night in his car
because of me!

I didn't start this blog because of this gossip, but because of an
adjoining story which could teach us some wisdom. Most importantly, it
will teach us to invent a general CAUTION manual for everyone until
there is need to review upwards or downwards.

There's this other neighbour, a woman, whose husband lives overseas
(we haven't seen him). He sent the woman a new car and she put the old
one up for sale. Now, this other crazed sleeping-in-car neighbour,
went to see this woman on Saturday morning, under the pretext of
buying her old car. To cut the dogon turenchi (long grammar), he told
this woman that his family problem started because his wife accused
him of sleeping with this woman! The man also told her to inform her
husband because she will soon be invited to come and give her
testimony before the jury sitting on their case at the "Human Rights

Brethren, can you believe that this woman foolishly picked the phone,
called a husband she hasn't seen in a year and told him that her
neighbour's wife is accusing her of sleeping with her husband! ALL

Since her husband is abroad, maybe he is reading this! Oga, if you
are, may I tell you that to the best of our knowledge, that woman is
dedicated to you and the three kids you left her with. My wife, who is
a kind of friendly to her, attests to this since she is much more
around than I am! So, attach mercy to justice, abeegi! But if you
insist, then I win the bet I made with my madam that you made up your
mind a long time ago even before your wife told you that false

Did I tell you that when the crazed neighbour's wife was accosted, she
denied ever saying that? She told the woman that her "soon-to-be
ex-husband" simply wants to ruin as many marriages as possible
alongside his!

To this accede to because one other wife in the building was invited
because her husband wasn't around. Mine and the Jeep guy's were not
invited because we were around that morning!

Lessons: What will be the instructions on these fellas if there were
manuals for them?

Be careful what you hear!
Be careful who you tell them!
Be careful where you say them!
Be careful of "be carefuls!"


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