Today is Sunday and I am wont to think of how many Christians that
will, not just go to church, but really pray meaningfully. What do I
mean? We do live in a generation that claim to believe in God, but
would rather complain, grumble or try to solve their problems by
themselves rather than pray about them.

You are sick, bereaved or in one predicament or the other. Once you
put it on social media, you get social media prayers dedicated to the
social media god! They are so many - GWS, TH (Take Heart),WYQR (Wish
You Quick Recovery), etc. It's your birthday. The same - WULLnP, HBD,
LLnP, etc. When it's you wedding anniversary. It is HWA! You get
married, you get HML. Even students writing exams pray on FB rather
than to God. Sometimes, the longest prayer on social media is "God
have mercy!"

Nobody takes time to really say a word of prayer for you. And when
they do, what I call quasi-prayer on social media, they say IJN!
Whatever that means!

Honestly, I cannot speak for God. So I do not really know whether he
accepts these kind of prayers. But by my reckoning, I won't even open
a Facebook account if I were Him and as such will definitely not hear
any tweet-prayer, BBM solicitation, FB supplication, WhatsApp fasting
as well as other social media IJN's.

The Bible says that "the fervent prayers of the righteous avails much"
and that "the prayers of a sinner is like a filthy rag before God." A
righteous, prayerful fellow must pray specifically to God and not to
social media deities.

Our priests are also not helping matters! A good number of them have
become social media clergy, sending generalised prayers of blessing
without qualifying who the prayers are meant for. They even tell you
that once you type "Amen" that you receive the said blessings. Hmmmm!
I don't really know what to think because (for fear of being labelled
an unbeliever) even if you type "Amen" a million times, if you do not
meet up to God's standard, He isn't going to bother with your case.
These priests have become caught up with the social media craze where
they now count the number of hits for both "Like" and comment! How
much of it is about God, I don't know!

The most annoying type of social media prayer is the one they ask you
to forward to all your contacts or a number of them and receive a
special miracle in a short time. A prayerless generation becomes a
gullible one. Hence, anything it hears, it believes. Even outside
social media, I read the good old Prof. Adesanmi's FB post yesterday
of a pastor in South Africa who asked his members to go outside and
mow the church lawn with their teeth IJN. As if that is not enough,
another in Kenya told his female members that his god was no more
interested in their bras and panties, so they must leave them at home
when coming to church!

For real? I hope they don't ask sisters to clap, jump, dance and shake
their bodies during service because I bet you that the congregation
will become Tu-faced in nine month's time. Even if they don't jiggle
assorted boobs and behinds, brothers will just sit in church wondering
what the sisters sitting next to them are wearing or not wearing.
Hence, the pastor will be preaching to a church full of erections, or
is it named Church of Erections, sorry Resurrection, to
euphemistically cover anticipated embarrassment?

A prayerful generation will surely not be hoodwinked by the deceit and
lies of religious charlatans who people our streets and the social
media. Even with social media, if you love me, pray for me to the God
in heaven and not to the one on social media because Mark can decide
to close FB and he is gone!

Oya, keep your phone, PC, tablet or whatever and kneel down and pray!
God will hear you.


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