London Boko Haram?

Strange things seem to have become the order of our days in recent
times. The world has been buffeted ceaselessly by sundry disasters
ranging from the very natural to the overtly human-made extermination
of the lives of innocent by-standers. The tsunami, the suicide
bombings and terror attacks, the nuclear meltdown of both Chernobyl
and Fukushima and the resultant mortality volume have since become
morbid actualisations of the fears of the Cold War. In other words,
the pattern of our existence has shown that both threats and their
substantiations come from different directions. For example, America
was eternally scared of a nuclear attack fro the USSR. Not even their
scientific soothsayers could conceive an Osama in the offing.

Permit my hyperbolised sense of perception. It in this very mode that
I viewed the London riots which has duly spread to other parts of
England. Whatever the cause, we have been conditioned to expect a
suicide bomb in Europe or America. We can also understand a criminally
minded ostensibly insane fellow, who is tired of living and instead of
turning the gun on himself, decides to take a sub-machine gun to a
youth came. For what purpose? To forcibly recruit escorts to hell.
There are expected normalities in the West.

But in Africa, the reverse is the case. Insanity is only confirmed
when the fellow starts walking the streets naked, picks dirt from the
refuse dump, or mutters to him or herself ceaselessly. The one that
opens fire on purposes enemies enjoying a cool glass of beer in a pub
after a hard day's job is seen as a hero with whom government should
negotiate. Same for the one that kidnapp foreigners and relatier of
politicians in order to make money. They are freedom fighters and not
criminals. They are not insane. They patriots to their kinds in
religion and tribe. They are thus recruited to violently protest
election results that do not go in their favour. That is when we have
"reasonable" riots. But what is now happening in London defies logic!

For this reason, I suggest that England should scan for Boko Haram.
The Norwegian example has shown that terror no longer wears the toga
of a specific religion. Hence, the British brand of "Boko" and its
accompanying "Haram" may be wearing T-shirts and faded designer jeans.
Think I have made my disordered point. Need to stop now!

I pray we all find a thoroughfare out of all these crises.


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