Newer Findings On "Secrets" And How They Leak

A peculiar thing happened recently: a teacher confided in his student
about something he hasn't told anyone before. He duly asked the
student to keep it a secret, a proposal she quickly accepted. One
leaving his office, she is seen by a friend of hers who asks her what
she was doing in their teacher's office. The student tried everything
she could to fend off her friend's enquiries. But eventually she
succumbs and after extracting a promise from her not to divulge the
matter, she tells her friend the very thing their teacher made her
promise never to tell anyone.

But while they were talking, some of their roommates begin to wonder
what the two were being secretive about. One of them eventually
succeeds in getting the same information from the second girl who also
made her promise never to tell another soul. And before long,
everybody has been told the lecturer's secret "in confidence."

Every initial recipient of this secret promised never to repeat in to
anyone but them turns around to tell someone else after extracting the
same promise from them. The irony of the entire setup is that the
lecturer and every other subsequent initial bearer of his secret ends
up being the ones oblivious of the fact that their secret has become
public knowledge and the only remaining secret therefrom is that in a
reverse order those who were told are aware of this secret.
Secrets often become public knowledge and the order of their
revelation is often such that the initial bearer of the information is
often the last to understand that his or her secret is no longer
hidden. Why then do we even keep them? Why pretend to keep secrets
when they will eventually be revealed?
Infact, why am even saying but these? Your guess is as good as mind, them say.


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