"Boko Haram": The Truth
July 2011, even Nigeria's lower legislative house is reportedly scared
of reprisal attacks if they deliberate on "boko" let alone adding
"haram" to it.
Fact 2: Someone said on FB yesterday: "If you are married and your
spouse claims not being in the habit of checking out your wall, change
your status to 'single' and then wait 5 minutes." Bottom line, my wife
will have my hide for broaching this subject here.
Fact 3: You may think me cowardly, but I need to ask the
yet-to-be-ascertained face of this group to please not see my comments
as insolence. Please, please and please, do not put me on your wish
list or any of your lists at all. A bomb for me isn't what I think you
need now or at any time.
Now to my thoughts!
It's just a question and I ask it because I need to be rightly
informed. My people say that a person who asks questions hardly misses
his or her way. So please indulge me, if you please.
A good number of (at least to my unlearned mentality) innocent
Nigerians have been blown to death by your bombs. You have struck
military barracks, police stations, bars that sell alcohol, banks,
churches, and peoples' houses. I am not interested in the why. Who am
I to question your motives? Small me?
Just one detail always seem to confound my limited intelligence. I
need your clarification, please.
Why were your foot soldiers trained in Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and
perhaps Pakistan and Afghanistan? These countries' recent history shows nothing that our beloved Nigeria can emulate, don't you think? Why not Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia or Qatar? I don't know, but the last states are
Islamic ones and their prosperity is glaring. Their citizens are
better off and they stand good chance of enjoying on earth and also in
paradise. Our country can benefit a lot from UAE at least if your next batch of soldiers are sent there. I might also consider joining at that time too. Must we kill others in order to please our God? Why are these atrocities not taking place in much more prosperous oil-rich Gulf states? Is it not the same religion?
Okay. I need to go before I am misquoted. When will these bombings
stop? Why do we hate ourselves so much? What is the rational for
saving people who are being bedevilled by one disaster only to stir up
a riot later in order to exterminate them?