The British and Money!

In Nigeria, they say that a particular ethnic group loves money more than the others.
Up till now, I am yet to understand why that assumption persists because the most kleptomaniac of past and present leaders of the country are not from this ethnic group.
Also, I am yet to see any Nigerian who is generous enough to give these people his/her money since they are the ones that love money more than others.
So when I talk about the British and money, I am not implying that they like money more than others.
I am simply asking an indirect question.

I have noticed, successive British government calculates everything in terms of its financial implication.
Every country does same, but it is the British that will state it explicitly.
One proverb says that all dogs eat from the filth, but only the one that refuses to clean its mouth that is seen as dirty.

From the era of colonialism, British interests have always been about economy.
In Palestine, historians tell of the Jewish blockade in favour of Arab oil.
In 1948, rather than vote for a Jewish state, they abstained in order to please the Arabs.
Looking after their interests. Who am I to judge?

In my homeland, the support of the British colonial support for one section of the country is still at the root of the incessant religious pogrom that we are still experiencing today!
In order to continue ruling my country in the 1950s, the colonial government was ready to turn the people against themselves.

It's all about money!

Enough of history!
These days, the difference between the main British cable TV station and other's reportage of world events is that the former always sees everything from a financial perspective.
In Libya, it is the oil and its economic consequences that makes the most news.
In Cote d'Ivoire, it is the cocoa that has more news space than the hundreds that are dying.
In Japan, it is the economic impact of the tsunami, earthquake and nuclear disaster.
Every crisis is seen from the economic perspective.

Within the UK, international students pay almost three times what the home students pay.
As if that is not enough, foreign students may not be able to bring dependents
May not have to work after completion of their studies
All because they need to spend money in the UK and not earn it
Transportation within the UK is said to be one of the highest in cost.

I think some people are more money-conscious than others, and Britain may not be far from the former list.
If you doubt it, check your visa status to the UK
You must see this: "... without recourse to public funds."
And if it is denied, it is because you are not able to prove that you might not "recourse to public funds!"
Even in pictures, I always see the dollar and other currencies in bundles, but for the pounds sterling, it is always a few notes 
Is this not a miserly nation?
But again, may be it is the secret why Britain has the strongest currency in the world.
How I wish my country will adopt this good miserliness even if it is to stem the tide of wastefulness that is draining our national wealth into porous private pockets.
How I wish someone is listening!


Anonymous said…
The british and money.....a bit of history has it that the british crown went around the world and laid claim to all that was under the ground of almost all the so-called-protectorates it was running and that of course includes Nigeria. These nations had their geology looked at with the technical expertise of it military machine. Archives of all the geology of the colonies formerly owned by the crown are resting with the UK military. Why? I cant tell....and my guess is as good as yours. Just as they cease to see the people suffer rather as stats and every disaster is judged by the economic impact rather than the human cost....only to emotionally desensitize themselves from life. Sad but true. All that matters is the gathering of loads of "dead presidents" while human cost in negligible. If one has no insurance then they are even more of a nuisance.
On the other hand in Africa there are few leaders that have their people collective strengths and growth at heart. Please tell me why more people have not won the Mo Ibrahim Awards since 2008? Simple, they lack what it takes in the first place which implies that all former rulers/despots that have ruled or just finished their terms are either worthless in the first place or rats like the case in Ivory Coast. To think that the fool there was offered a place to lecture in Boston University to appease him and save lives....oh no. It rather chose to be a rat and cost so many lives before he gets charged....hmmm...Same as in Libya....they think people must die first before they give up. Psychopathic, marauding and power corrupt people have been running Africa into the dark ages and the west needs it that way. With the knowledge that these foolish people will still send the monies back to the western bank then it's okay. IMF will simply devalue African currencies which should by now be even more competitive than it currently is.
I bet Nkuruma and Sankara will be doing back flips in their graves...probable echoing together....."These fools are not learning the lessons we predicted. We said it and got exterminated for it yet they just don't realize it's happening now!!"

I arrest my case.
Izuu Nwankwọ said…
Posers! Who am I to attempt answers?

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