If I were a murderer …
They often say,
“Human life is sacrosanct,
It is precious;”
And I wish to add,
It is irreplaceable.
Isn’t it rather sad that the one’s who kill the most
And the most unlikely to give life?
I have often wondered what chemical make-up
The murderer has that he or she would just
Get up and gun or machete another down
As if he or she, by a wave of the hand
Can bring back that life.
Isn’t it an irony that nations that are least likely
To have a natural disaster of tsunami proportions
Are the most prone to pre-meditated genocidal killings?
If every kind should kill its other:
Women killing men,
Our mothers would have lynched the life out of us at birth
Old killing young,
Our parents would have finished us before we could talk
Doctors killing lawyers
Our doctors would have ensured we don’t leave hospital beds alive
How many of us would be alive?
Yet, the armed robber weighs his or her quest for material things
Higher than the life of the owner of the property
The “freedom fighters” consider their convictions
Superior to the aspirations and lives of others
So they maim, kill, plunder, loot and most annoyingly
Find means of justifying their acts
What in God’s name justifies an individual killing another
Even under the law, if a criminal is convicted
Shouldn’t “the law” execute the condemned person
Rather than use a human agent?
And for those who kill for God
Is that not a way of saying that your Maker is incapacitated
And that He cannot take care of Himself
Neither can He fight His own wars?
Methinks, if I were a murderer
I can only kill what I can return its life
And unfortunately, I cannot literarily give life to anything
That is why I choose not to kill.
What about you?
Dedicated to all the innocent bystanders, killed for just being at their right places at someone else’s wrong time!
“Human life is sacrosanct,
It is precious;”
And I wish to add,
It is irreplaceable.
Isn’t it rather sad that the one’s who kill the most
And the most unlikely to give life?
I have often wondered what chemical make-up
The murderer has that he or she would just
Get up and gun or machete another down
As if he or she, by a wave of the hand
Can bring back that life.
Isn’t it an irony that nations that are least likely
To have a natural disaster of tsunami proportions
Are the most prone to pre-meditated genocidal killings?
If every kind should kill its other:
Women killing men,
Our mothers would have lynched the life out of us at birth
Old killing young,
Our parents would have finished us before we could talk
Doctors killing lawyers
Our doctors would have ensured we don’t leave hospital beds alive
How many of us would be alive?
Yet, the armed robber weighs his or her quest for material things
Higher than the life of the owner of the property
The “freedom fighters” consider their convictions
Superior to the aspirations and lives of others
So they maim, kill, plunder, loot and most annoyingly
Find means of justifying their acts
What in God’s name justifies an individual killing another
Even under the law, if a criminal is convicted
Shouldn’t “the law” execute the condemned person
Rather than use a human agent?
And for those who kill for God
Is that not a way of saying that your Maker is incapacitated
And that He cannot take care of Himself
Neither can He fight His own wars?
Methinks, if I were a murderer
I can only kill what I can return its life
And unfortunately, I cannot literarily give life to anything
That is why I choose not to kill.
What about you?
Dedicated to all the innocent bystanders, killed for just being at their right places at someone else’s wrong time!