Another Nollywood Called Churchiwood - Earthly Visitors to Hell and Heaven

It was yesterday that I saw a post on FB which really jolted me to cognisance of this matter. In the recent past, it has become a norm to have special untrained "pastors" running the length and breadth of our nation, speaking to Christians. These folks have a new message ostensibly from God. They are, by their own comments, recent returnees from heaven and hell fire!

Not satisfied with their visits, these folks have started distributing VCDs of their messages free of charge to some. Others are charging money to disseminate their messages of damnation and destruction of the world. This has adopted a dimension that rivals Nollywood - with innumerable video recordings of the narratives of visitors to hell.

I watched one. The lady is from Sierra Leone. In the narrative, the hell returnee's sister gave an hour-long introduction stating how "Jesus" entered into her sister. These ladies fearlessly tell their fantastical tale without fear or reverence. Then the hell returnee herself mounts the podium to talk about her escapades and what "God" told her!

Hmmm! The Bible says that by their fruits you shall know them (Matthew 7:15-16).

The very first fruit is that in the video I watched, for the three or more hours of the narrative, not a single line of the Bible was read. 

The second bad fruit is that their message caused division in the Body of Christ especially in the manner that they condemned some preachers of the Gospel. 

Paul said: " Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." (Romans 16:17-18).

And how on earth do you see someone who is still alive on earth in hell? 

While the West and now, the East, are travelling into orbit - sending both manned and unmanned spacecrafts to learn more about the outer world, some religious zealots in our society are making fictional tales out of tourist sojourns to heaven and hell. Hmmm!

The kind of rot that religion has created in our psyche! I wish there's a way religious extremism can be exterminated in this land so that we can know peace and reason will prevail. 

The Bible is my guide: No single Apostle or follower of Christ in the Bible visited hell or heaven and returned! I wonder if these people are mixing up vision and reality or are they just liars and deceivers of the Church?

Did I hear with one ear that Pastor Okotie left the Bible are openly condemned a particular denomination? They are all part of the churchiwood! I guess his membership increased the next Sunday!

Mtscheeewww! The Bible says: "He that thinks he stands, take heed lest he falls!"


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