I have tried to get an answer
But all to no avail.  

Didn't one country predict that Nigeria will collapse by 2015? 
And rather than do something positive 
Our leaders condemned the speaker and their people.

Gadaffi, of blessed memory (still hard to believe),
Once said something too about the state of affairs of Nigeria
What did they do?
They condemned him.
Told him to shut up if he didn't have anything to say.

Some people accused Nigeria of harbouring terrorists
What did they do again?
Denial. Full face, denial even with the capture of the under-wear bomber

What did we do?
As a people, we believed them
They told us that nothing was happening
That all is well
That we should go about our normal businesses
That they are on top of the situation

And we, unwittingly made the greatest mistakes of our existence
Believed people who do not believe themselves!

Now we have seen it
They cannot even protect themselves 
And they still tell us the same lies we have always believed.

I don't know for you
No one seems to have any real answers anymore
It pains me that some folks always think I am referring 
To the death in splinters which is now a daily occurrence
One is concerned about the general state of malaise:
Thieving leaders, corrupt administrators, evil preachers,
Sadistic teachers, lecherous employers, general state of decay!

And they keep lying, keep stealing, and lying all over
I need an answer, please:
When the whole place has collapsed
What will the money you are stealing do for you?
Buy you a customised, brand new Nigeria?


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