Lost a 9-month Baby in Church

When they said, "Wonders shall never end," some of us thought
Innovations that will surpass today's technological inventions
Would emerge in large numbers and overwhelm the people positively
But rather what accosts humanity is the proliferation of sundry vices
and wickedness

One that has dumb-stricken me in recent times
Came as BBM to my wife's phone
And it said a 9-month old baby was stolen in a church at Abuja
With the message came the pictures of the "sister" who abducted the
baby and that of the innocent boy

I am not talking here about the wickedness of this kind of act
Because diverse preachers have harped on it in several ways
And to show that no one is listening, this lady perpetrated this act
inside the church:
Made away with another woman's baby
On the same Sunday that a church was bombed for the umpteenth time in Bauchi

I am prompted to write this because on Monday morning
I opened my FB page and one guys status jumped out of the screen and
violently hit my face
What did he say?
Too long, but I'll summarise:
He wanted to know where the mother of the child was when her baby got lost.

My boy likes staying with me and in church he normally stays with us
His mom and I agreed to take him to the children section for the first
time this same last Sunday.
The coordinators didn't find it easy with him because he cried all through
Imagine how we felt to read later in the evening how someone's child
was stolen in church that same day.

Nothing will happen to my child, but assuming we didn't see him after church
On what basis will I stand to query the mother over his disappearance?
Is it carelessness on the part of a mother or father, as it where
That their child gets lost in this manner?
If you send a young child out to buy something and he or she is
knocked down by a car, do you turn on the mother?

I agree that at 9 months, this baby is too young to be separated from the mother
But being a father, even for so short a time, has changed my views on
certain things
And one of them is that jumping into conclusions about this woman and
blaming her for the loss
Is insensitive and inconsiderate
For all we know, she could be pregnant again!

If this message is not one of the BB hoax that has taken over our nation
I join with the parents in prayer to say that their child shall be
recovered hale and hearty in Jesus' name!
Please single ladies, if you desire a child so much
Get pregnant for a handsome guy
You don't even have to tell him
Your baby may end up being more cute than the one you would have stolen
If you can't bear one, adopt one, two, three
Leave other people's children alone cause you can't love them more
than their parents


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