My Grouse: Obama and the Politics of LGBT-Friendliness
In case you are wondering, LGBT means Lesbian Gay Bisexual and
Transgender people
I like Obama; a lot
I like people, a lot of people
As a good Christian, I love everyone including LGBT folks
They are human beings, not animals
I don't understand the selective barrage of condemnation against
people who have chosen to use their bodies in specific ways
It's not my place to judge them
After all, going by Christianity and may
be Islam teach (I stand to be corrected here), all sinners will not
make it to Paradise
So, sin is sin and whether you heterosexually pilfer your neighbour's
spouse or you steal millions meant for the poor, you will still go to
hell no matter your religious grand standing
My take: so long as they are consenting adults, they are as good or
bad as every other person who flouts God's laws in any way.
Gossips and rumour mongers
Murderers (no matter the self-serving religious justification)
Bribe takers and givers
Adulterers (hetero- or homo-)
Now to Obama
Does he really believe his "... no matter who you love" rhetoric?
Or is it one of the neo-politically incorrect double speak?
How would he really feel if his daughters were to, in a manner of
speaking, come out of the closet during his presidency?
Or in this election year?
My problem with the whole set up is that nowadays, it is atrocious for
one to say that he or she abhors LGBT
For fear of being labelled a homophobe, we learn by rote, how to say
the right things even when they are obnoxious to our sensibilities.
The bane of contemporary living is that it is easier for one to come
out of the closet than it is for me to voice my dislike for such
Please, keep your right to free association and sexual orientation
But kindly allow me the personal freedom of expressing what I hate
And what I like
Afterall, I condemn corrupt public officials and perpetrators of other
vices, abeg!
Transgender people
I like Obama; a lot
I like people, a lot of people
As a good Christian, I love everyone including LGBT folks
They are human beings, not animals
I don't understand the selective barrage of condemnation against
people who have chosen to use their bodies in specific ways
It's not my place to judge them
After all, going by Christianity and may
be Islam teach (I stand to be corrected here), all sinners will not
make it to Paradise
So, sin is sin and whether you heterosexually pilfer your neighbour's
spouse or you steal millions meant for the poor, you will still go to
hell no matter your religious grand standing
My take: so long as they are consenting adults, they are as good or
bad as every other person who flouts God's laws in any way.
Gossips and rumour mongers
Murderers (no matter the self-serving religious justification)
Bribe takers and givers
Adulterers (hetero- or homo-)
Now to Obama
Does he really believe his "... no matter who you love" rhetoric?
Or is it one of the neo-politically incorrect double speak?
How would he really feel if his daughters were to, in a manner of
speaking, come out of the closet during his presidency?
Or in this election year?
My problem with the whole set up is that nowadays, it is atrocious for
one to say that he or she abhors LGBT
For fear of being labelled a homophobe, we learn by rote, how to say
the right things even when they are obnoxious to our sensibilities.
The bane of contemporary living is that it is easier for one to come
out of the closet than it is for me to voice my dislike for such
Please, keep your right to free association and sexual orientation
But kindly allow me the personal freedom of expressing what I hate
And what I like
Afterall, I condemn corrupt public officials and perpetrators of other
vices, abeg!