Who Cheats More in Marriages: Husband or Wife?
I woke up this morning to a ping from an unmarried BB lady friend.
Her concern: age-long issue of marital infidelity.
Her claim: Numerous married friends of hers are caught up in marriages
where their husbands cheat.
My take: I don't really care who cheats the more in marriages.
This is because I'm a firm believer that marital infidelity isn't gender-based.
Cheating in marriage is as bad as every other misdemeanour that
spouses indulge in.
A simple question: who would you choose between an abusive and an
unfaithful spouse?
What of one who doesn't cheat but never tells the truth about anything else?
What of another that doesn't cheat but the only time s/he had been
sober for sometime was at the altar?
Apart from all these, I am astonished as to why an unmarried woman
would be scared of her husband cheating on her;
When in actuality she has barely been faithful to her boyfriend?
How does a lying spouse expect an angel for a partner?
How does one expect to marry a crooked multi-millionaire and turn same
to a reliable spouse over night.
I don't know who cheats more
And I don't believe that men cheat because their wives have become
less attractive.
That is balderdash! Has he become more attractive?
I also do not subscribe to the idea that men are by nature polygamous.
If anyone is polygamous, it should be women cause (believe it or not)
they have two breasts that can feed two men simultaneously.
What have men got: one dick each?
Do the maths!
My last words: men who cheat, do so because they are gluttonous and selfish
Why marry a woman you will end up cheating on?
Women who cheat: same as above!
There isn't any justification for marital infidelity
As there's none for assault and battery within marriage.
Shine your eyes folks because an unfaithful lover may never make a
faithful spouse!
Her concern: age-long issue of marital infidelity.
Her claim: Numerous married friends of hers are caught up in marriages
where their husbands cheat.
My take: I don't really care who cheats the more in marriages.
This is because I'm a firm believer that marital infidelity isn't gender-based.
Cheating in marriage is as bad as every other misdemeanour that
spouses indulge in.
A simple question: who would you choose between an abusive and an
unfaithful spouse?
What of one who doesn't cheat but never tells the truth about anything else?
What of another that doesn't cheat but the only time s/he had been
sober for sometime was at the altar?
Apart from all these, I am astonished as to why an unmarried woman
would be scared of her husband cheating on her;
When in actuality she has barely been faithful to her boyfriend?
How does a lying spouse expect an angel for a partner?
How does one expect to marry a crooked multi-millionaire and turn same
to a reliable spouse over night.
I don't know who cheats more
And I don't believe that men cheat because their wives have become
less attractive.
That is balderdash! Has he become more attractive?
I also do not subscribe to the idea that men are by nature polygamous.
If anyone is polygamous, it should be women cause (believe it or not)
they have two breasts that can feed two men simultaneously.
What have men got: one dick each?
Do the maths!
My last words: men who cheat, do so because they are gluttonous and selfish
Why marry a woman you will end up cheating on?
Women who cheat: same as above!
There isn't any justification for marital infidelity
As there's none for assault and battery within marriage.
Shine your eyes folks because an unfaithful lover may never make a
faithful spouse!