Why Men Cheat!
Is it true that men cheat much more often than women?
Are women generally more faithful than men?
Who is most likely to cheat, husband or wife?
These and many other questions like them often come up when we discuss
fidelity within the marriage. I have observed that the answers we
proffer are often tied to our gender. Hence, a lady would be most
agreeable that men cheat much more than women.
But the very issue here isn't who cheat more, but why men cheat at
all. Women cheat also, but not being one myself, I wish to restrict
myself to my area of jurisdiction.
Why do men cheat? The answer is simple: women!
It's no justification or rationalisation but a statement of fact.
Women make men cheat, and the reverse could also be the case. If you
think I am wrong, imagine your wife is the only woman on earth and you
are the only man. Of course, of all the sins in the world, neither
Adam nor Eve was accused of infidelity.