
Certain words are so common that they do not strike us
With the very pungency they always demand.
Words like “insult” are often so common that oft,
In times of its multiple exteriorisations,
We do not extensively understand the implications!

What then is insult?

A leader who believes his personal views are superior
To those of the people s/he leads.

What is insult?

A man who inherited power at 19
Established abusive powers for 15
Forced into glamorous exile for 25
Then returns suddenly to lay claim to power.

What is insult?

A man who loses duly recognised presidential polls
Sends emissaries to tear up result sheets
Holds on to power with the support of filial oligarchy
Barricades the election winner in a hotel arrest
And refuses adamantly to relinquish power.

What is insult?

A man who impoverishes his country men for 23 years
Is ousted from power by popular revolt
He runs into exile and some leaders are taking him into asylum.
Asylum from what? His political crimes?

What is insult?

A people who by virtue of religion, politics, or ideology
Become merchants of death; despatching others to untimely grave
And yet claims that their own lives and those of theirs
Are sacrosanct and cannot be taken by any even in vengeance.

What is insult?

Denying others the same privileges you accord yourself.

What is insult?

Telling others to do the very opposite of
What they see you so blatantly do.

What is insult?

Pretending to love when in essence you truly hate.

What is insult?

Laying claim to power when ordinarily life incarceration
Cannot assuage for what your heinous crimes deserve.

What is insult?

Barring a parent from disciplining the child
And then turning around to blame the parent
For the messed-up adolescence of the same child.

What is insult?

Taking the resources of others without mercy
Only to put yours under lock and key
Almost away from your own reach.

What is insult?

Discarding a crime we see our leaders commit
For want of substantial evidence.

What is insult?

It is pretending that your culture is superior to mine
When we both know that no one agrees that his/her
Mother’s soup is the most tasteless.

What is insult?

It is drawing the supposed map of the world with
Your own society sitting above those of the others
When we both know that there is really no up nor down

What is insult?

Acting with an air of superiority when we both know
That it is just an exteriorisation of inferiority complex.

What is insult?

Pretending that everything is well
When we all know that you are a cheat.

What is insult?

Showing that you are the best and greatest of humanity
When we know that we all squat to defecate; with horrible odour
Urinate in the same way; sometimes yellowish or whitish
Eat from the same orifice; mostly by biting, chewing,
grinding and swallowing.
Spit the same smelly, colourless, mucous, slimy liquid
Which no one but our loved ones share with us.

What then is insult?

It is showing me that I am FOOLISH
And you are much WISER!



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