Location: A secluded, posh residential area in a West African city

Laurent: I don't know why they are after me! The Baba in Harare got a shared government. And the other one shared with that small boy in Nairobi. Why is my own different, Baba? And see that boy in Lome, that immediately took over from his father ... and Baba, you allowed him?

Baba Olu: You don't know anything, Laurent. You see...

Laurent: (Clears his throat loudly) Why are you talking like that, Baba? Is it because you lost third term?

Baba Olu: Shut up when I am talking to you! That is why you lost and will continue to lose. Oya, go and hand over to Allasan kia kia, or I will tell my boy in Abuja to shoot you out of here!

Laurent: (Falls on his knees) Baba, this is not fair!  Consider me now and share this thing for us now.

Baba Olu: I will not because it is too late now. If you were wise, you would not have lost the election in the first place. (Whispering) Watch what will happen in Abuja this April ... that is how things are done. When you lose, then you are ready to go. But when you don't want to go yet, either you don't call the elections or you don't contest.

Laurent: I am dead! Please, Baba (holds his agbada)

Baba Olu: (Pulls himself free) Before I get back to my farm let me hear that you have handed over. (About to leave and then turns back) That reminds me, I liked the amala at Golf hotel better than the one you imitated here. (Guffaws)



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