Reminiscing on the Pope's New Stance on Homosexuality
Before proceeding, I crave your indulgence to please try and
understand where I am coming from. I respect the Papal office and the
belief of billions of Catholics the world over! My thoughts here are
borne out of the confusion emanating from the recent double-speak of
people who should know better!
In the past two weeks, the British Prime Minister fired the first
salvo by saying that it is his mission to export "tolerance" for same
sex relations to the utmost ends of the earth. I shuddered! Our own
dear Pat Utomi remarked: "But his ancestors exported Christianity and
civilisation." What more can I add?
Then came our dear fiery fighter against Apartheid, Desmond Tutu who
said: "I'd rather stay in the hottest part of hell than serve a
homophobic God." Hmmm! I really don't know how to respond to this! Why
now, at his retirement? I would have thought that people like that
would have secured their places in heaven at the right hand sid...