My Grouse: Obama and the Politics of LGBT-Friendliness
In case you are wondering, LGBT means Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender people I like Obama; a lot I like people, a lot of people As a good Christian, I love everyone including LGBT folks They are human beings, not animals I don't understand the selective barrage of condemnation against people who have chosen to use their bodies in specific ways It's not my place to judge them After all, going by Christianity and may be Islam teach (I stand to be corrected here), all sinners will not make it to Paradise So, sin is sin and whether you heterosexually pilfer your neighbour's spouse or you steal millions meant for the poor, you will still go to hell no matter your religious grand standing My take: so long as they are consenting adults, they are as good or bad as every other person who flouts God's laws in any way. Liars Fornicators Swindlers Gossips and rumour mongers Murderers (no matter the self-serving religious justification) Bribe takers an...