The Naija Lootitudes
(According to the Gospel of Naijalooters) (1) And seeing the multitudes,Corruption went up into Aso Rock; and when he was set, the politicians came unto him. And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying: (2) Blessed are the clueless in wisdom; for theirs is the Presidency of the nation. (3) Blessed are they that rig elections, for they shall be elected. (4) Blessed are the thieves; for they shall inherit the National Assembly. (5) Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after public funds; for their accounts shall be filled. (6) Blessed are the bribe-takers, for they shall obtain in foreign currencies. (7) Blessed are the Petroleum Ministers, for they shall loot in subsidies. (8) Blessed are the bootlickers, for they shall be called the Federal "Executhief" Council. (9) Blessed are they which are prosecuted for corruption's sake; for theirs is the kingdom of wealth. (10) Blessed are ye, when EFCC shall invite you, and interrogate...